- Pray morning and afternoon (I'm going to add in evening prayers starting tonight.)
- Put on tallis (four-cornered prayer shawl with holy fringes) and tefillin (black leather boxes with parchment scrolls of scripture inside, on leather straps that go around the head and arm) when I pray in the morning, or in the afternoon if I somehow missed the morning, but never the evening because they are a daytime commandment.
- Recite a special blessing after each time I use the bathroom.
- Recite blessings before and after eating.
- Put on arba kanfot/tallit katan (special undergarment with four corners and holy fringes) and kippah (skull cap) each morning when I get dressed, and leave them on all day.
- Learn Jewish stuff for two hours every day, ideally one hour of Talmud with my brother and one hour of something else, but lately it's more often been two hours on my own. Currently I am reading the Hebrew Bible cover to cover, with as much Hebrew as I can manage.
And, of course, I close with a picture of "Jacob." I will never stop fighting to find him a home. Never!