Over time, I continued to pray for "Erin"/"Rheann," and I was hungry for an updated picture. After a while, Reece's Rainbow posted this picture:

When P*tin closed off American adoptions from R*ssia in 2012, and Reece's Rainbow reallocated the grant money of their R*ssian kids, I asked to be reassigned as a Prayer Warrior as well, because I wanted to go where I had half a chance of making a difference. I was assigned to a sweet-looking girl with Down Syndrome from Ch*na, "Isabella." She found a home in a matter of weeks of my praying for her. After that, I was assigned to a little Ch*nese boy, "Jacob," with Down Syndrome and heart problems; I have been praying for him for almost two years now.
Even as I prayed for "Isabella" and "Jacob," "Erin"/"Rheann" remained in my heart. Yesterday I decided to look up her listing on Reece's Rainbow (they kept all the R*ssian kids even though they cannot be adopted right now) and to my delight I discovered a new picture! Here it is:
Words cannot express how relieved this picture makes me feel. My "Rheann" is OK: she is well-dressed and smiling. She is OK. She is OK.
Praise God.