
"Don't tell God how big your storm is; tell your storm how big your God is."

I believe in God.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Randomness (VERY LONG)

Good morning Readers! Boy do I have a lot to say! I have been listing things and mentally storing them in an effort to only post once today, but my brain is overflowing and I must post now.

First of all, having met "Emily's" sister and heard "Emily's" and "Julie's" opinions of Reece's Rainbow, here are my thoughts on adoption as it pertains to my future.

1. I will most likely end up adopting someone at some point; I'm just not sure who, how, when, or how many.

2. If I adopt a child with Down syndrome (or other severe developmental disability) I will be done having children, by birth or adoption, right there. That child will be my family.

3. I will not adopt out of birth order, especially if I have biological children as well. I think that would just be too off-putting and confusing for my children, both as a group and as individuals.

4. I will not adopt a boy who is my size or bigger. For safety purposes, I need to be stronger and in control if/when my child is raging.

5. I'm thinking that I may not have biological children at all, so that they don't have to be affected by the issues their adopted siblings may bring home. (One can avoid things like FAS or Down syndrome, but things like RAD are pretty much unpredictable.) If I choose to build my family through older child adoption, then that is how I will build my family.

6. I want to adopt my child/ren one at a time, giving each one a chance to settle in and get to know me while I get to know them, and letting my knowledgeand understanding of that child determine whether or not I "go back for" another one.

Now, on to something else:

Yesterday, for Sabbath lunch, I was at the home of "Emily's" boyfriend's sister. (Got that?) In the afternoon, a couple of "Emily's" friends came over. One of them knew how to read Tarot cards, and soon he was doing readings for all of us. Last night I told my mother what my reading said, but something in me feels that from here on out I should keep it private. I wonder if that's an indication of accuracy. If you're dying to know what was said, leave a comment, and I will consider posting both your comment and the reading.

And now something funny:

When I gave my roommates nicknames for my blog, I was not thinking about real people in my life with those names or similar names. I called one of my roommates "Julie" despite the fact that I have a blog follower whose name really is Julia. This doesn't confuse me at all, but others get them confused, so that if I say Julia, talking about my blog follower, they think I mean "Julie," my roommate.

Let's end with a list of the blogs that I read, with brief descriptions of each. (This will be long. You have been warned.)

1. add-one-chinese-sister.blogspot.com : One mother blogs about her two biological sons and her daughter Luci, adopted from China. Luci is seven (I think) and the blog is filled with descriptions of her antics.

2. adoptinggrady.blogspot.com : The blog of the family of my first Reece's Rainbow Prayer Child. Andrei ("Grady") suffers from arthrogryposis.

3. allarepreciousinhissight.blogspot.com : One family and their endless faith in God. Their daughter Chrissy died from heart problems in 2010, but the family has persevered, adopting several more children since, and trusting God to guide them through. Their son Sawyer was recently diagnosed with Chrone's disease; I am praying for him and you should too! (If you want.)

4. becausehefirstadoptedus.blogspot.com : The Smiles and Trials family's blog chronicling the adoptions of their two newest sons, Nolan and Oliver.

5. buildingtheblocks.blogspot.com : BEAUTIFUL family with multicultural children who know how to share, give, and sacrifice for one another. Check them out!

6. covenantbuilders.blogspot.com : This is Julia's blog. Her son Aaron was the first boy EVER to be adopted from his mental institution. His disability is physical, not mental, but I don't know much beyond that.

7. crazyforkids.blogspot.com : Another multicultural family with a good number of children. (I think ten.) Their most recent addition is a little girl from China, their second Chinese daughter.

8. creatingourjoy.com : One single mother and her two daughters from Ethiopia and Guatemala. Judging by her blog, she is enjoying life. We should all be able to enjoy life as well.

9. inashoe.com : Christian family with ten (or eleven? twelve? LOL) children. They live in a small house (hence the "shoe" in their name).

10. largefamiliesonpurpose.com : I love, love, love this blog. I may not always agree with the worldview of the blogger (in fact I often don't; she's very Christian), but I delight in reading about the daily lives of her nine children. She's also INCREDIBLY organized about running her home, and I could use to learn some organizational skills.

11. onethankfulmom.com : Twelve children, four adopted from Ethiopia. One daughter in particular suffers from major attachment and trauma issues. Very transparent blog, giving me clear warning about what I can expect when I adopt someday

12.ourjourneyoffaith.net : Another woman who has kept strong faith through great struggles, iincluding a daughter (adopted from Ghana) who suffers from depression and Reactive Attachment Disorder. Her courage gives me strength and faith.

13. raisinghomemakers.com : I don't agree with the worldview of this blog AT ALL, but something keeps drawing me in to read it time and again.

14. raisingolives.com : Another large, Christian, homeschooling family. Their oldest child is fourteen and their youngest is one.

15. ralphcrew.blogspot.com : This is the newest addition to my blog list. It is written by a woman who is raising several children--both biological and adopted--with Down syndrome.

16. riggsfamilyblog.com : Beginning at age three, their daughter Abby battled cancer for two long years. I watched most of it unfold after I found their blog. Today she seems to be doing really well, and they are moving forward with the adoption of another little one. (I don't know the details.)

17. smilesandtrials.blogspot.com : Seventeen children, ten adopted, several with disabilities.

18. smockityfrocks.com : Another large, Christian, homeschooling family. "Smockity," as she calls herself, is very creative with food, crafts, etc.

19. themakingofmom.blogspot.com : seven children, two adopted through the foster care system. They are planning to move overseas as missionaries in Africa. Their oldest daughter is only seven years old.

20. themourofamily.blogspot.com : I started following this blog after a disrupted adoption of a boy from Liberia while their daughter from Liberia was still living with them. Her adoption ended up getting disrupted as well, but by then I had been reading so long I just kept reading. And now I just love to read about their family!

21. welovebigfamilies.blogspot.com : Seven children; planning to move to Africa as missionaries and to run a school.

22. zoromski.blogspot.com : Two sons and three daughters, two of whom have Down syndrome, one of whom was adopted from Ukraine. This woman just loves her kids and it oozes out of every blog post she writes!

So those are the blogs I read.

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I am a bipolar, Jewish young adult (had my Hebrew birthday, the one I count, and turned 23 this past January) who also suffers from Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. I love life and I live for my best friends: they are my purpose and my reason for trying so hard. I remain passionately devoted to those I love; I will not let my disorders make me totally self-centered. I like to read, write, and sew. My Rabbinical school plans did not work out, and I am now hoping to go into the field of Early Childhood Education. Please note: I am currently maintaining only Carried in His Hands. Enjoy!