Now then:
All I'm doing now is writing one of my usual letters to God, but this time I am going public, so you all can pray along with me.
Dear God,
How my heart aches for my "Jacob"! I truly worry about him, God; in his pictures he looks as if he's starving. I beg of You to keep him comfortable as he waits for his Mommy and Daddy to see him and come. As I prayed last night, please get him good food and nutrition, sunshine and fresh air, bouncy balls and bubbles, puzzles and building blocks, kind nannies and orphanage workers, friendships, the medical care he needs, and a warm bed at night. In short, God, please grant my "Jacob" the basic quality of life every human deserves, and FIND HIM A FAMILY SOON!
Thank You, God, for listening, to my whispers, my pleas, and my shouts, for my "Jacob," "my" little boy, my everything.
Your Girl
(Now everybody reading this needs to jump on the bandwagon and pray too!)
And just in case you forgot what he looks like (haha), here is "Jacob" again:
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