I have been, as my Christian acquaintances would say, convicted recently. (That's so not a Jewish term, but I don't have a better one!) In particular, the Maxwell family, who blog at www.titus2.com, have convinced me of something.
I need to be reading my Bible daily. Period, no argument, this is something Christianity got right that most of Judaism did not.
I thought long and hard before I made this decision. I also pray three times daily (well, most days; I don't usually manage Saturday evenings or Sunday mornings, but I do usually manage all the other times), and I am committed to reading a psalm, and a segment of a work of Jewish theology, every day as well. I do not want to give any of that up.
So. This is the plan: I pray three times a day, and I have three "extra" readings. I will simply correspond one of each to one of the other. In the mornings, I will pray, then read a psalm. In the afternoons, I will pray, then read my Bible. In the evenings, I will pray, then read theology.
I am unsure yet what I will do when/if I miss a prayer time, if I will do the reading associated with it later, or skip that for that day, too.
Oh, and I will once again be embarking on reading the Bible cover to cover, Genesis 1 to 2 Chronicles 36. And, yes, in English.
Now, this is "CHAD." Just to be different, I had wanted to grab a boy without Down syndrome or HIV this time, but I can't say no to this sweet face. "Chad" will age out NEXT APRIL, and is diagnosed with Down syndrome.
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