I got the dates when Yom HaZikaron and Yom HaAtzMa'ut are observed this year wrong. I had the correct dates, but because Yom HaAtzma'ut would fall on a Friday, everything is backed up a day so nobody is frolicking on into the Sabbath. So I missed wearing the special kippah yesterday...but I still have my chance to wear blue and white and recite "Hallel" today. If the weather is as warm as it's been recently (short sleeve weather), I am going to wear my royal blue stretchy skirt and a puffed sleeve blouse in navy and white. I will top the outfit off with jewelry and my special kippah clips, and wear my royal blue suede kippah, which matches the skirt perfectly. If the weather is cooler than that, I will wear the same outfit, except I will substitute a denim button down for the blouse and add black tights.
It's hard for me to get excited about these two days because I feel very little connection to Israel. I don't want to say no connection because I went there and enjoyed myself, but certainly very little connection. On Yom HaZikaron I feel nothing at all. On Yom HaAtzMa'ut I feel more connected, probably because wearing blue and white and saying "Hallel" are such strong customs, whereas I made up the one about wearing the special kippah.
And here is this post's Reece's Rainbow child! A girl this time, this is "WINNIE," again from my "Jacob's" country. The picture shows her at age eight, in a new coat. Her special need is MILD HUMPBACK; she ages out in DECEMBER.
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