I am not allowed to publicly dispense information about where "Jacob" lives beyond what is posted on the Reece's Rainbow website; I will tell you that his country code is PRC, and you can figure it out for yourself. In any case, "Jacob" was born in June 2010, he might or might not have Down syndrome, and he has several heart defects.
If you look at his birth date, you can see that in a few months, "Jacob" will turn seven. For me, this is his most significant birthday so far for two reasons. Number one, he will be halfway exactly between birth and aging out of the system. (Asian children age out at 14, two years earlier than Eastern European children.) And number two, I have now been praying for him for over half his life.
To "Jacob," at age not-quite-seven, not quite four years is forever and a day. That's a thought I find hard to absorb, because to me, four years is no time at all. As I mentioned to God last night, four years ago was 2013, a year I remember quite well.
At this time four years ago, I don't think I even knew "Jacob" existed. "Rheann's" country had just outlawed American adoptions a few months before, but Reece's Rainbow had not yet reallocated the grant funds of their kids listed from that country. Therefore, I had not yet given up my position as "Rheann's" official Prayer Warrior. Even after I did, I was matched with "Isabella," whom I "prayed home" before being assigned to "Jacob."
I'll have more to say about "Rheann," "Isabella," and "Jacob" on World Down Syndrome Day in a week and a half. I will close with "Jacob's" profile information and pictures. (PLEASE NOTE: I should add that while "Jacob's" profile information has been updated once in the time I've been praying for him [with discouraging information; see the middle paragraph], his pictures are the originals that I saw when I started praying for him in late May 2013, and have not been updated.)
"Jacob's" Profile Information:
"'Jacob's' test suggest Down Syndrome. An ultrasound dictation in his file also hints that he looks to have congenital heart disease and an Interventricular septum membrane department tumor and defect. His heart has normal cardiac function.
"This little guy needs a Mommy and some good nutrition! He is not speaking yet but does understand the word 'no.' He is restless and stubborn. He does not like baths and cries during them but can be comforted with food or being held. 'Jacob' can roll but has poor muscle tone. He is unable to sit or crawl. He can hold objects and throw them and his eyes will follow objects. 'Jacob' does well playing alone but also gets along well with other children.
"'Jacob' is a very lovable little boy. All of us like him very much. We hope that he can find a home which loves him very much early in which he can enjoy the love of parents and owns a happy childhood, nice future. We believe he will bring much happiness to your family."
"Jacob's" Pictures:
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