The Madness
Caught up in the madness again.
That's what they call "episode,"
That swirling place
Of Nowhere's-Home.
Caught up in the madness again.
Hither and yon.
Caught up in the madness again.
Short of breath.
Pounding heart.
Racing thoughts,
Tumbled words.
Caught up in the madness again.
Optimal Writing Conditions
I write best when I'm manic.
It may be ironic, but
I write best when I'm manic.
Swirling shores
Of grainy sand:
Each grain separate,
Ocean waves come crashing,
And splish!
Drag me away.
Do you see it now?
Can you understand?
The ocean waves drag me away.
I write best when I'm manic.
My Constant
He keeps me going.
Oh "Jacob," do you know?
You keep me going.
When I have nothing left,
I cry on your behalf.
When darkness tornadoes me up,
I shout on your behalf.
And when it sets me down,
I scream on your behalf.
You are my constant.
And all the others
Who need prayer.
If I can shout for you,
Then I'm OK.
And in honor of the last poem, ending this post with "Jacob's" pictures:
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