
"Don't tell God how big your storm is; tell your storm how big your God is."

I believe in God.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Hannukah Kippot

My current Hannukah-gift-from-my-parents request is four kippot--that's as many as the gift budget will allow, once you factor in shipping--by the same designer who designed my graduation gifts. (Yes, I know this is August and Hannukah's in December, more than four months away; I start planning early so I can change my mind a lot.  That way, when it comes time to actually order my gift, I know for sure what I want.)  I thought it would be nice if I shared the website pictures of those, as well.  First though, some facts about this group:

  • Materials: Two are painted silk, one is embroidered silk (or at least I think it's silk; it looks like it, and when that website doesn't specify, it's usually silk), and one is embroidered velvet.
  • Themes: Two (one of the painted silk ones, and the velvet one) have a Jerusalem scene border, one (the embroidered silk one) has a border of geometric shapes, and the last one (the other painted silk one) is called "tribes" but looks more abstract to me.
  • Colors: Two ("Jerusalem" silk and the velvet one) will be numbers 13 and 14 in my blue stack; "tribes" will be number five in my red stack; and the last one will get stacked in one of my miscellaneous stacks.  I have two miscellaneous stacks; I can't quite tell how I divided them, so I don't know which one this new kippah will get stacked into.
  • Other:
    •  The white one with the border of gray geometric shapes I've wanted since forever; I just don't have random money to throw around.  Also, it doesn't pay to get one kippah from that site; shipping is almost as much as the kippah, but doesn't start going up till you're buying three or four.  I'm glad to finally be getting it, though, because I traded my other white silk one (with gold and silver branches) to Sami; I do not regret doing it, but I need a white kippah again.
    • It does not surprise me at all that half the ones I settled on are painted silk; I adore that look, and currently only have one.  The one I have came from that site, and has the wrong color background (which actually made me like it more)...let's hope that doesn't happen again.
    • It does surprise me that half the ones I picked are Jerusalem scenes! Until very, very recently, I really resisted Jerusalem-scene kippot.  Then I made "just one exception" for my college graduation gift, and I think that softened me towards other Jerusalem-scene kippot, as well.
    • The velvet one I am getting will be my first non-black velvet one.  I have a black velvet from my younger brother's Bar Mitzvah, and one of the ultra-Orthodox kind that I basically got so I could thumb my nose at them...that one is now my Holocaust Remembrance Day, Israel's Memorial Day, and fast days kippah.
  • And now, the pictures!
Yair Emanuel Silk Painted Kippah Tribes redThis one is "tribes, red."  You can see why I think of this more as an abstract scene.

Yair Emanuel Silk Painted Kippah Jerusalem TurquoiseAnd this one is "Jerusalem turquoise."  I may be adding Jerusalem scenes to my kippah collection, but I think I am doing so in a very tasteful manner!
Yair Emanuel Embroidered Kippah Geometrical Pieces GrayThis is the one I've wanted since forever.  I am not adding it to my college graduation gift because I don't want to get so many things at once (somehow whatever I was getting would feel less special that way), but better believe I am getting it for Hannukah! It's also the only one I knew I wanted at the start of putting together this Hannukah gift idea.  For all the others, I decided to just look at the website until I found the three more that I liked best.
Yair Emanuel Velvet Embroidered Kippah Jerusalem BlueAnd this is the blue velvet with Jerusalem scene border! This is a very traditional-looking kippah, much more traditional-looking than I normally allow into my collection.  I don't know what drew me to it...maybe I liked it because it's so traditional, and I therefore don't have any like it.

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I am a bipolar, Jewish young adult (had my Hebrew birthday, the one I count, and turned 23 this past January) who also suffers from Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. I love life and I live for my best friends: they are my purpose and my reason for trying so hard. I remain passionately devoted to those I love; I will not let my disorders make me totally self-centered. I like to read, write, and sew. My Rabbinical school plans did not work out, and I am now hoping to go into the field of Early Childhood Education. Please note: I am currently maintaining only Carried in His Hands. Enjoy!