Yesterday evening I discovered dramatic proof of just how long I've been doing this. (Remember, they're not dated, so it's not as if such proof pops up every time I reread some.) I pulled a letter out of my Reece's Rainbow pocket; in it, I mentioned to God that "Erin" ("Rheann") was turning ten years old and still didn't have a family. Later in the evening, I was doing the blog post right below this one, and I needed to go back on Reece's Rainbow and get her pictures. Naturally, as long as I was looking her up in the first place, I checked her birth date, too. "Rheann" was born in January, 2002. That makes her fourteen years old now. (And no, as far as I know she still doesn't have a family; and yes, even though I am officially someone else's Prayer Warrior I still pray for her when I can.) Bam. Dramatic proof that I've been writing to God for at least four years.
Now, about my prayer waiting list. Lots of people know I pray, and they know that when I pray, I pray hard. Naturally, that means that when they go through something difficult, they want my prayers. I have discovered, however, that if I have more than seven people to insert in the personal prayers section of the central standing prayer, it starts to feel monotonous and I can't focus properly. Therefore, I have to keep my list down to seven. For privacy purposes I can't share who's on that list right now or why, but suffice to say that it is full, and every single person on it really needs whatever help I can give, even if that is only a brief whispering three times a day (except on the Sabbath; God gets to rest, too). Therefore, I have developed a waiting list. When someone drops off my prayer list, someone from the waiting list gets put on it. People move from the waiting list to the prayer list in the order in which I received their request.
Finally, I wish to announce that my dear friend "Charlotte's" real name, which she has given me permission to use on this blog, is Katherine. And yes, there will be pictures of our visit; I got her consent to post those, too.
Finally, today's Reece's Rainbow child. This time I am choosing to post a boy (because I alternate genders), and not from "Jacob's" country (because the last three were). I would like you to meet "DAVIAN," aging out in AUGUST. "Davian" has Down syndrome.
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