I understand why my hands are hurting. I wrote a long letter to God this morning (writing always bothers me, even when I'm feeling "good"), and I've been typing a lot (graduate school application for Hunter College, and now this entry on my blog). However, the eyelid thing is beyond me, since I'm not really "using" that body part. Pain in my eyelids was the last symptom I developed before my big Ketamine treatment in January, and it was the first symptom to go away once I started the treatment...and now it's back.
I don't know if you, my random reader, can fully appreciate how hard it is to live with chronic pain. My pain cuts into everything I do; even when I'm acting happy, even when I'm talking about something else, it's there, I'm hurting, and life is difficult.
The good news is that I don't have to hold on too much longer; I'm scheduled for a Ketamine booster March 7th-8th. That's only 11 days away. Also, as I mentioned last night, my dearest friend "Charlotte" is coming this weekend. That's good news too. I would like to "un-code name" her, but I would never do that to someone without asking their permission, and she wasn't picking up her phone last night. I do plan to take pictures of our visit, so you all can "meet" her afterwards.
Also also, I finished the whole entire Hebrew Bible last night. Just thought I'd mention it. In approximately a year and a half (it should have taken much less time, but there were months when I didn't read at all) I read all the way from Genesis 1 through 2 Chronicles 36. I did it in English, but I still think it's impressive.
Now, enough about me. This is "CHARLES," aging out in JUNE, diagnosed with congenital ichthyosis, a skin condition. He also is from my "Jacob's" birth country.
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